Friday, 12 July 2013

The Scariest Thing

What is the scariest thing in the world?
It is not a ghost,
It is not the darkness,
Neither is it love,
Nor death,
Scariest thing in the world?
I'll tell you the scariest thing in the world,
I'll tell it to you because I witnessed the sight,
No, neither is it the devil nor is it the night,
It is when you see dreams become dust,
When betrayal follows trust,
The strongest of people break,
And the heavens start to shake,
When hopes are shattered,
For the people we love, we never mattered,
And the emissaries of hope,
Turn into the harbingers of pain,
When you realise hearts are no longer pure,
Your thoughts have become obscure.
When you see life is a chimera,
And each breath you take,
Gets heavier and heavier,
And you crawl through life,
Being pulled behind by the skeletons of despair,
And when all is lost,
You give in,
And let the infinite universe devour you.


  1. Your blog is amazing! I love everything about it, it's just so honest and concise. Especially this poem. It's so lovely, it's almost scary :)

    Thank you for checking out my blog. We should be friends :)

  2. Brilliant piece, and thank you for coming over to see mine

  3. these last lines really hit...

    Being pulled behind by the skeletons of despair,
    And when all is lost,
    You give in,

    never give in...

  4. betrayal is brutal...when you trusted someone and then they turn on destroys world views...and you being to look at everyone different

  5. Your writing is very deep for one still young. I am most struck by these lines:

    the emissaries of hope,
    Turn into the harbingers of pain,

    Thankfully, our spirits always rise again, after each pummeling.

  6. This is wonderful---and it may be the scariest thing in the world!

  7. I always say, it is hope that hurts us the most....

    I somehow connected with your poem....

    balance it out
